Understanding The Difference Between Night Vision And Thermal Imaging

Sakshi Verma
3 min readApr 15, 2022


Image Source: https://www.testo.com/en-IN/

A considerable population enjoys spy movies. However, what we enjoy are the special effects added to the movies. Those green and black night vision shots are often filmed through night vision cameras, which are one of the two main ways that allow us to see at night.

Humans have been trying to capture images with cameras since the 19th century. The apertures in cameras allow different amounts of light. However, regular cameras aren’t efficient for use at night. They have to work with what’s known as a slow shutter speed to let in enough light for nighttime. This can work well for taking photos of the sky at night, but not the
images of moving people or animals. Technology has evolved to meet the need to capture images when there is no visible light.

During world war 2, the first-night vision cameras were designed that allowed the army to see in the dark. This camera captured near-infrared light invisible to the naked eye but visible on the electromagnetic spectrum.

These cameras used the NIR technology, which created images using near-infrared radiation and is still used as one of the main ways to view things at night. Since then, this technology has evolved as a security device for navigation and observing wildlife.

The two main methods that enable night vision are night-vision cameras and Advanced Thermal Imager cameras.

How Do Night Vision Cameras Work?
Night vision cameras work like the human eye by seeing light that has bounced off objects to create an image of said object. Some night cameras can use trim and specialist lights to surround the lens of these cameras to beam out near-infrared light. This light is invisible to the human eye, but the camera then picks up the objects that the light reflects off of and shows them as an image.

Do Night Vision Goggles Work The Same As Thermal Imaging Cameras?

Night vision goggles are pretty impressive and are incredibly beneficial for several applications.

Let’s see how they work.

The night vision goggles use near-infrared technology, but they don't detect heat like thermal imaging cameras. Instead, near-infrared light, which comes out of the stars, the nearest being the Sun, bounces off the moon and then causes low ambient light levels.

This light is never actually pitch black outside. These goggles have elements inside them known as intensifier tubes. Firstly, the tubes take in near-infrared light through a lens and then use electricity to create an image and make it clearer.

What is The Difference Between Night Vision And Thermal Imaging?

Thermal imaging is effortless, making images out of the heat instead of light. These cameras, which are sensors, detect minor differences in the temperatures of different objects.

All objects give off different thermal energy, known as infrared radiation. Living beings and some artificial objects create their heat. Other objects take in heat from the Sun and then release it at night. Different objects next to each other will still have different thermal energies.
Objects made out of different materials will absorb heat at different rates. These objects are then displayed as images of different colors on thermal images.

Thermal imagers aren't just used to see things at night; it is also used for surveying homes to detect heat loss and moisture build-up.
Any night vision isn’t going to be perfect. We need proper ambient lighting to be able to capture perfect images. That being said, both night vision and thermal imaging cameras do their jobs well.

Night vision cameras are great for night vision, creating more natural-looking images, CCTV and surveillance, and wide-angle views
Thermal imaging cameras, on the other hand, are better for seeing humans or animals at night, searching and rescue operations, such as firefighting, spotting warm bodies and objects over a greater distance, commercial inspections, and surveys

What Is Better Between Night Vision And Thermal Imaging Cameras?

Both types of cameras have their merits. If you need something for general use, which is affordable and easy to understand, then night vision, by and large, is the best way forward.

Thermal imaging is a more advanced technology with invaluable applications for commercial inspections and surveying. It is also a better choice if you need to view things at a greater distance or if visibility is inferior.

